I have heard many people discuss the fact that in Switzerland most people indulge in traditional consumption: for every English Morris dancer you will find Swiss Alpine horn players, stone-throwers and Jodel choirs. And Switzerland deserves recognition for its high standard of living. Even though everything costs a small fortune, Switzerland has the highest adult wealth per capita in the world. Swiss supermarkets selling local, seasonal food and medical care are exemplary.

In the 19th century, many people in Switzerland fell into poverty and many emigrated in search of work – some of the poorest were paid to do so by their own communities – and were transferred to another country in a classic measure of Swiss pragmatism. Perhaps this is why they are now so keen to hang on to what they have.

One thing makes “Swissness” seem even more subtle: the four national languages are associated with different identities. French- and German-speaking Swiss have traditionally looked down on Italian-speakers. This has contributed to the disunity within Switzerland.

Although things have changed in recent years, travelling across borders reveals some interesting everyday differences. For example, the German Swiss are more into casual nudity than most, while the French Swiss really like cheese. Meanwhile, the relaxed, holiday feel means that the Italian-speaking south of Switzerland is known as the ‘sun room’ by the German-speaking part of the country.

It keeps the country running like clockwork and helps to keep the environment spotless – which is good news for the Swiss, who love nothing more than taking their sausages to the top of a mountain and barbecuing their food on the spot on a super-clean communal barbecue.

Switzerland’s reputation as a welcoming and law-abiding country also helps to ensure national security. Children as young as five often walk to school alone in the suburbs of Zurich, and the World Population Review ranks Switzerland 132st out of 136 countries in terms of crime rate. So, Switzerland is a great place to live, with a very low crime rate and happy people.